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Blueberries peak season is from July to mid September. When fresh these perishable berries should be used promptly after purchase for optimum taste and quality. At Piazza Produce we realize that in order for perishable berries and their beneficial nutrients to remain abundant, they must be preserved. During Blue Sky Berry Farms harvest, located in Wanatah, IN, we took some of their sweetest and largest berries and locked in their freshness and nutrients for you to enjoy any time of the year.

Small, round and pleasantly plump, the precious blueberry is deliciously succulent and tart-sweet. This popular entirely edible berry offers a slightly crunchy juicy texture. Sprinkle with powdered or granulated sugar and a dash of cinnamon to enhance their succulent taste. Use as edible garnish. Blueberries make delicious pies, muffins, quick breads, waffles, pancakes, tarts, turnovers, cobblers, sauce, jams, jellies, preserves and wine. Serve this tiny fruit treasure over ice cream or frozen yogurt. Create a refreshing blueberry shake or smoothie. Whether you crave delicious blueberry pancakes, an antioxidant-packed fruit smoothie, or just want to pop them like candy, these premium berries are a welcome treat for any berry lover you know. Treat your customers to these locally grown, preserved berries today!